This week I had what I would describe as a “perfect day.” I have two sleep cycles a night from about 12-4 and 6-10 which leaves me wide awake from 4-6 am. This used to trouble me but I have come to embrace it and look forward to my nocturnal wanderings and wonderings. I consider this the start of my day so my perfect day began with me sitting in my rocking chair reading and journaling as the early morning breeze wafted through my windows. Slow lapping waves and a breeze blowing through my large cottonwood tree on the lake shore added to the ambiance. Later, Paul and I enjoyed mid-morning coffee on our porch watching a colony of martins move through the air in a feeding frenzy. I then headed to my neighbor’s garden that I have partnered with her on the past several years. She likes the spring planting and I like the summer harvesting so we are a well matched gardening duo. My bounty of the day included green beans, several neglected (large) cucumbers, onions, peppers, carrots, potatoes, eggplant and a cantaloupe. I was both drenched and happy after scrubbing all these veggies in my garage utility sink. I also harvested a continuing supply of red, yellow and orange cherry tomatoes from my raised beds which are extra delicious when oven roasted in olive oil, balsamic vinegar and spices…yum!
Paul and I harmoniously completed a four day pear processing marathon. A young farmer by Rosen has one lone pear tree that produces like crazy every other year and he graciously makes them available to whoever wants them. We made pear chutney, lemon nutmeg rum flavored pear sauce, honey cinnamon vanilla flavored pear sauce and finally, pear butter. Oh, and simmering the cores and rinds in lemon water produces delicious pear juice which makes a lovely pear Bellini for cocktail hour. I also added it to raspberry tea and sparkling water…again yum! My childhood friend came out for a late afternoon visit and we caught up on family, friends and summer happenings. I have said it before and will say it again, there is nothing like the comfortable camaraderie of a lifelong friend.
For supper, Paul made my favorite homemade pizza with our tomato sauce and garden veggies…more yum! After supper I took a 2 mile walk up to Hwy 109 and back at a comfortable temperature in a light breeze with no mosquitos. Besides mooing at the cows in the pasture, I stopped several times to chat with neighbors coming and going on the road. For eye candy and inspiration, I took a quick look through my new fabrics from Italy. With nothing special on either the Food Channel or HGTV that evening, I did a little late night reading, took a shower and crawled into bed in clean sheets! As I drifted off to sleep I couldn’t help thinking: “It just doesn’t get any better than this” and I think I will write about it in the morning. What’s your perfect day? 2018