Well, I’m two weeks out from my second thumb surgery, this one on my dominant right hand. Yikes! The surgery has a big name but basically they take out your painful arthritic trapezium bone that connects your hand to your wrist, pad the area with tendon from your wrist, sew you up and you are good as new, in theory anyway. This is a vulnerable area for arthritis in women especially for those whose occupation or hobbies cause overuse of the hands. No mystery why I acquired the condition with all the glass breaking, weaving, sewing, gardening and all manner of other tasks that caused overuse through the years. My left hand is not totally healed from the same surgery last year and is now doubly taxed with my right hand out of commission. Things of note are as follows:
-Once again, I must cop to having NO patience and being a crabby demanding patient which is humbling!
-Dressing and undressing after surgery is difficult and its best to just “go commando” and keep the baby wipes close at hand when it comes to bathroom matters. Showering is a breeze once you get your arm wrapped and water proofed.
– My most difficult tasks have been eating and brushing my teeth with my left hand. Using a knife, scissors or clippers is nearly impossible and probably not safe either.
– I am grateful for Paul’s patience, cooking and errand running skills. His ability to assist with pain management is limited so I had to monitor that myself but only needed medication for 5 days.
-I was also happy my mom was here to provide moral support, puzzling time and card playing, although I had to use an upright envelop holder for my cards the first week after surgery.
-I’ve been able to read a lot of books which will build up my book review reserves, once I can type again. How am I typing this you ask; slowly and carefully as my hand is still wrapped up with stitches slated for removal tomorrow.
-One of my girlfriends asked if I needed anything; I requested Diet Dr. Pepper which was a treat! Another came over to bake and frost heart shaped sugar cookies for Valentine’s Day. She also made tasty salmon and shaved Brussel sprout taco’s which were delicious and gave Paul a break from cooking.
-I have been awfully tired, probably normal after surgery, so have gotten lots of sleep which is always welcome although it’s never when and how normal people sleep.
-Any excuse will do to skip the gym and surgery provided a guilt free pass for two weeks. I’m going to attempt a workout session tomorrow which is bound to be difficult.
-Doing little to nothing remains a challenge for my restless soul but watching the Winter Olympics is a welcome distraction.
In spite of it all, I think my healing process is going well and I hope to get back to my retirement series soon.